Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

Subject: Former Black Panther Speaks 2/14 in SJ
Date: January 26, 2006 8:01:29 AM PST

Ashanti Alston
To speak on: Anarchism, Zapatismo & the Black Panthers.

Tuesday February 14th @ 7pm
El Primer Pueblo Libreria
410 E. Santa Clara St.
San Jose, CA
(Corner of 9th St. and Santa Clara St.)

Ashanti Alston is both a former member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army, and was a political prisoner for over 12 years. Currently, he is a member of Estacion Libre, a people of color Zapatista support group, as well as a board member for the Institute for Anarchist Studies.

Sponsored By Peninsula Anarchist Collective & MEChA


“As a Panther, and as someone who went underground as an urban guerilla, I have put my life on the line. I have watched my comrades die and have spent most of my adult life in prison. But I still believe we can win. Struggle is very tough and when you cross that line, you risk going to jail, getting seriously hurt, killed, and watching your comrades getting serious hurt and killed. That is not a pretty picture, but that is what happens when you fight an entrenched oppressor. We are struggling and will
make it rough for them, but struggle is also going to be rough for us, too.” –Ashanti Alston

Sponsored By Peninsula Anarchist Collective & MEChA
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