Sunday, February 19, 2006
Why I voted the way I did
I disagree with our President on so many issues, in general because he spends like a Democrat and doesn't speak candidly. And about "nucyular," the best fodder ever for those who think he is incompetent and want to spread that idea (hasn't anyone told him?). But I will always be proud and happy to know that I voted for him in the first election for which I was eligible, and that is because he takes the closest stance to mine on the "war on terror." Of course, when he constantly refers to terminology like that, people have support for the stance that said war is, and I paraphrase, "waged by greedy politicians wanting oil->money against the people of a country in which we have no business and that we fucked up in the first place anyway by meddling, bringing modernization too quickly, supporting corrupt leaders, etc. Those accusations hold weight, surely, and American governments have made some very bad decisions and continue to do so. But the bottom line is:
There are a lot of people who want to destroy American society. Not conservative Christians only, not SUV-driving upper-middle class automatons, but all non-Islamic states and peoples, eventually.
We say - "you hate Americans? Okay, here are our young men. Fight them here instead of coming to kill our women and children." Then we kill as many of them as we can. As horrible as that sounds, I want very badly for people who raise their children with machine guns and condone hatred for other culture to be exterminated, before their children kill my children, or flatten a city in the United States.
Of course, many accusations toward America regarding our extravagant, truly evil consumption habits are also valid. It is no wonder that much of the world sees us as brutes and bullies, when we have successfully implemented free market capitalism in a flourishing intellectual and cultural environment. And what do we do with it? I certainly don't behave as if I fully appreciate living here.
There are a lot of people who want to destroy American society. Not conservative Christians only, not SUV-driving upper-middle class automatons, but all non-Islamic states and peoples, eventually.
We say - "you hate Americans? Okay, here are our young men. Fight them here instead of coming to kill our women and children." Then we kill as many of them as we can. As horrible as that sounds, I want very badly for people who raise their children with machine guns and condone hatred for other culture to be exterminated, before their children kill my children, or flatten a city in the United States.
Of course, many accusations toward America regarding our extravagant, truly evil consumption habits are also valid. It is no wonder that much of the world sees us as brutes and bullies, when we have successfully implemented free market capitalism in a flourishing intellectual and cultural environment. And what do we do with it? I certainly don't behave as if I fully appreciate living here.