Saturday, April 01, 2006
"Carroll Rejects Statements Made in Iraq"
"'At any rate, fearing retribution from my captors, I did not speak freely. Out of fear I said I wasn't threatened. In fact, I was threatened many times," she said. "Also, at least two false statements about me have been widely aired: That I refused to travel and cooperate with the U.S. military and that I refused to discuss my captivity with U.S. officials. Again, neither is true.'"
Other captives tell the same story...POWs in North Vietnam and emabassy hostages in Iran. Activists like Jane Fonda and William Sloane Coffin, respectively, aided the dishonest captors by supporting the Vietcong and the student revolutionaries. POWs respond with utter contempt: Michael Benge, Moorhead Kennedy...
William Sloane Coffin was a member of Yale's Skull & Bones.