Sunday, April 30, 2006

"Mexico May Allow Some Cocaine, Heroin Use" - AP via Yahoo

Currently, Mexican law leaves open the possibility of dropping charges against people caught with drugs if they can prove they are drug addicts and if an expert certifies they were caught with "the quantity necessary for personal use."
Treating addicts as if they have a "disease" that leaves them helpless makes me sick - as if they aren't engaging in repeated knowingly destructive choices.

So what should societies do with these people? Throw them in jail? To what end?

It's true, but why should the law differentiate between those who "can't help it" and those who are seeking recreation? Both are destructive.
Actually, it seems like the change in legislation the the article is covering eliminates exactly that distinction: the Mexicans are making small quantites of these drugs (i.e. 5 grams of pot) unqualifiably legal. The old law created the "junkies only" exception.
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