Thursday, April 06, 2006

"No Firmó Contra el Presidente"

picture is screen view of Venezuelan government database, for use by officials at all levels to deny citizens of their rights.

protests yesterday in Venezuela. BBC doesn't include a specifically anti-Chavez quote, though CNN does:
"'Chavez always criticizes the United States and talks about thousands of innocent people killed in Iraq, but what about the thousands who are killed here,' said 26-year-old protester Gustavo Marin."

protests at other times, from...:
*Cuban Miami residents
*the ones who got caught

*PBS story:
"'He says he's going to end poverty, and people are digging through the trash looking for something to eat,' Rendon's wife, Giobanna, added. 'It's lie after lie. He's a dictator.'"

*let's recognize both sides of Chavez: "Dr. Evil and Mr. Hood"

*Proof of Chavez's order to create a database of all Venezuelan citizens who signed the petition to bring a recall referendum on him. The database will be used to deny these citizens IDs, passports, employment, etc. Aleksander Boyd from VCrisis: "...what would happen should any of the leaders of the democratic nations of the world be caught ordering the construction of such database? What would happen to the electoral institutions of any European country and its officials should they be caught passing critical information with respect to the political tendencies of the electorate to politicians of a given ruling party?"

Chavez in bed with Iran

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