Sunday, April 09, 2006

"A Progressive Case for US involvement in Iraq" and I like this guy Ben Ho

Ben Ho (Palo Alto):
...for me, and the economist magazine and the neo-cons, the WMD threat was always just rhetoric to persuade the people, just like Woodrow Wilson used the bullshit excuse of the Lusitania to convince the Ameircan people to go to WWI when he personally had much better reasons (wow, never thought of that analogy before). The good reasons for going to war, to plant the seed of democracy to infect perhaps all of the middle east still holds.

from a Stanford Republican e-mail list post of 4/9/06:
I used to hate Chomsky quite a bit (probably one out of 3 or 4 people I really hated (the others include Dr. Laura). I went to MIT and attended many of his talks, and felt [that he is a 'wacko'], which is odd for me because I normally give credit to a lot of progressive ideas and thinkers.

But an interview in the New York Times Magazine changed my opinion a bit...the last question of the interview was: 'NYT: Have you considered leaving the United States
permanently? Chomsky: No. This is the best country in the world.'

ah yes...I know many people think I'm naive. I feel that if I concentrate
primarily on the positive aspects of life, I am undoubtedly cementing my
desire to do good for the world and increasing the chances that my talk
will someday turn into productive social change. I often overlook - never in my mind or in thoughtful discussion but often in casual chatter - many detrimental aspects of my own behavior that are in line with the greed that causes the world's problems. I am a hypocrite, alas. Until I am actively participating in real solutions to the situations I like to learn and bitch about, I think my optimism may be unfounded. The worst I can do is to make some people see me as foolishly optimistic, I think? In any case, I have had many people tell me in the past that my quixotic boisterousneess in my personal life and as regards politics has had a positive influence on them, and I need no more support for how I present my world view than that.
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