Monday, April 24, 2006
Reinaldo Arenas
Is a writer from Cuba who died of AIDS in 1990. He was imprisoned and tortured. His book Before Night Falls, which I'm reading right now, is amazing.
Miguel Correa's literary page
He travelled on the same type of boat as Arenas to reach freedom in the United States. He is in the front, with Arenas' arms on his shoulders.
video of Arenas saying this:
There is a very advantageous position among leftists writers who live in capitalistic countries who enjoy all the benefits of democracy and great profits they earn while attacking democracy while they live in a democratic country. Maybe if those writers lived in a communist country from where they could not get out - they might change the way they think. Since living there, they would not be able to write a word! So for us, who suffered so much in Cuba - it's infuriating to see people enjoy all the security that comes with democracy - getting pleasure attacking it and becoming rich from doing this!