Monday, April 10, 2006
"Thousands join protests in cities across U.S." - Houston Chronicle
Of course there should be easier access to legal immigration:
But even though the U.S. lacks decent policies, you cannot demand public goods from a coffer into which you have not paid taxes:
Wait-maybe these benefits are all state sales tax funded? In which case, there is more justification for demanding benefits.
Frankly, no matter how much I want to support freedom of travel between borders, I can't bring myself not to cringe when I read attitudes like this:
from Vivir Latino blog: Martyr?
Are suicide "victims" usually considered martyrs? If one cannot handle the weight of the revoluationary load one has brought upon onesself...?
'We're hoping that employers stop to consider what this is all about,' organizer Adriana Galvez said. 'That if you need people here to do the work, to buy, then give them a legal channel to get here.'
But even though the U.S. lacks decent policies, you cannot demand public goods from a coffer into which you have not paid taxes:
The protesters had two targets in Georgia: Congress members weighing immigration reform and state legislation now awaiting Gov. Sonny Perdue's signature that would require adults seeking many state-administered benefits to prove they are in the U.S. legally.
Wait-maybe these benefits are all state sales tax funded? In which case, there is more justification for demanding benefits.
Frankly, no matter how much I want to support freedom of travel between borders, I can't bring myself not to cringe when I read attitudes like this:
Nineth Castillo, a 26-year-old waitress from Guatemala who joined the Atlanta march, said she has lived in the United States for 11 years 'without a scrap of paper.'
Asked whether she was afraid to parade her undocumented status in front of a massive police presence, she laughed and said: 'Why? They kick us out, we're coming back tomorrow.'
from Vivir Latino blog: Martyr?
Are suicide "victims" usually considered martyrs? If one cannot handle the weight of the revoluationary load one has brought upon onesself...?