Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Robert Anton Wilson
One of my new favorites. Quotes that I love from The Illuminati Papers by Robert Anton Wilson...
"It is no accident that Lenin could not bear to listen to Beethoven (the music made him want to weep and treat people gently, he said); nor that Ludwig's music was banned in Communist China...All Marxists, basically, are reactionaries, yearning for the Oriental despots of pre-Hellenic times, the neolithic culture that preceded the rise of self consciousness and egoism...Some of [Beethoven's] neighbors said he was crazy. But what was going on in his head was the creation of the Ninth Symphony, the Missa Solemnis, and the late quartets, the greatest artistic expressions in all history of the DNA script of evolution...from unicellular dance to the struggles and sufferings of complex organisms to the ixtraterrestrial perspective of the Cosmic Immortals we are becoming."
"Every decade is important now: we can choose utopia or oblivion by means of only a few decisions. We cannot evade or escape for much longer. We have to take responsibility and stop laying it all on the other guy. We are being faced to understand. John Donne's deathless metaphor: 'Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.'"
"Any single act of hope and love may be the grain that tips the scale toward survival, and, conversely, any single act of cruelty or injustice may be the grain that tips the scale the other way."
"Polititics consists of demands, disguised or rationalized by dubious philosophy (ideologies). The disguise is an absurdity and should be removed. Make your demands explicit."
"My emphasis is on whatever will make extraterrestrial migration possible in the generation."
"The bureaucratic state, whether American, Russian, or Chinese, has all the clout on the planet for the foreseeable future."
"The individualist must fulfill his or her genetic predisposition to be a pioneer..."
"...but this probably happens in the evolution from mammalhood to true intelligence on every life-supporting planet."
"We're only halfway through the evolutionary cycle of our star, and the more advanced forms are just beginning to appear in random mutants during the past few thousand years."
"In Herbert's cosmic glue theory, every quantum event is here because of another quantum event, which is here because of the first cosmic event. At this level, causality is meaningless, and Herbert prefers to speak of 'influence,' whih acts every way in time."
"All of us - past, present, and future - are bound non locally by the COSMIC GLUE."
"Humanity is trapped (temporarily) in static, repititious neural circuits that creat misery, conflict, prejudice, war, stupidity. There is no longer any need for this sad situation to continue."
"It is easy to reprogram the nervous system and thus to remove these static, mechanistic circuits (conditioned reactions). You can be anything you want to be, the next time around."
"...current Western elites do encourage their subjects to believe that there is no elite, that is that the increasingly totalitarian state of affairs is just and inevitable accident, the unavoidable vector sum of impersonal societal forces, even the will of the people!"
"The acquired portion of stupidity is the result of "enculturation," whih is the process by which the flexible, multivalued human nervous system is brainwashed into surrendering its flexibility and repeating the stereotyped behaviors, beliefs, values, etc. of the tribe into whih it is born."
"We should all be a little more nervous than we are right now. The world as we know it is quickly changing."
"It is no accident that Lenin could not bear to listen to Beethoven (the music made him want to weep and treat people gently, he said); nor that Ludwig's music was banned in Communist China...All Marxists, basically, are reactionaries, yearning for the Oriental despots of pre-Hellenic times, the neolithic culture that preceded the rise of self consciousness and egoism...Some of [Beethoven's] neighbors said he was crazy. But what was going on in his head was the creation of the Ninth Symphony, the Missa Solemnis, and the late quartets, the greatest artistic expressions in all history of the DNA script of evolution...from unicellular dance to the struggles and sufferings of complex organisms to the ixtraterrestrial perspective of the Cosmic Immortals we are becoming."
"Every decade is important now: we can choose utopia or oblivion by means of only a few decisions. We cannot evade or escape for much longer. We have to take responsibility and stop laying it all on the other guy. We are being faced to understand. John Donne's deathless metaphor: 'Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.'"
"Any single act of hope and love may be the grain that tips the scale toward survival, and, conversely, any single act of cruelty or injustice may be the grain that tips the scale the other way."
"Polititics consists of demands, disguised or rationalized by dubious philosophy (ideologies). The disguise is an absurdity and should be removed. Make your demands explicit."
"My emphasis is on whatever will make extraterrestrial migration possible in the generation."
"The bureaucratic state, whether American, Russian, or Chinese, has all the clout on the planet for the foreseeable future."
"The individualist must fulfill his or her genetic predisposition to be a pioneer..."
"...but this probably happens in the evolution from mammalhood to true intelligence on every life-supporting planet."
"We're only halfway through the evolutionary cycle of our star, and the more advanced forms are just beginning to appear in random mutants during the past few thousand years."
"In Herbert's cosmic glue theory, every quantum event is here because of another quantum event, which is here because of the first cosmic event. At this level, causality is meaningless, and Herbert prefers to speak of 'influence,' whih acts every way in time."
"All of us - past, present, and future - are bound non locally by the COSMIC GLUE."
"Humanity is trapped (temporarily) in static, repititious neural circuits that creat misery, conflict, prejudice, war, stupidity. There is no longer any need for this sad situation to continue."
"It is easy to reprogram the nervous system and thus to remove these static, mechanistic circuits (conditioned reactions). You can be anything you want to be, the next time around."
"...current Western elites do encourage their subjects to believe that there is no elite, that is that the increasingly totalitarian state of affairs is just and inevitable accident, the unavoidable vector sum of impersonal societal forces, even the will of the people!"
"The acquired portion of stupidity is the result of "enculturation," whih is the process by which the flexible, multivalued human nervous system is brainwashed into surrendering its flexibility and repeating the stereotyped behaviors, beliefs, values, etc. of the tribe into whih it is born."
"We should all be a little more nervous than we are right now. The world as we know it is quickly changing."
Labels: futurism, Illuminati Papers, libertarianism, Robert Anton Willson