Friday, February 06, 2009

"State employee: I get $93,803 for no work" - via Times Union

This guy is suing because it's too hard for him to goof off enough to make up for the $93K/yr salary.

"Hinton said he's treated as a second-class employee with fewer resources than even the lowliest Insurance Fund worker. 'I have no Internet access, no printer, no laptop, no car. Every day it's a struggle for me to bring in something I haven't read or listened to. I can tell you how many white cars pass on the Thruway . . . I can't take it anymore.'"
'He has nothing to do and has had nothing to do for the last two and a half years and what he had to do before that was relatively insignificant,' said Obertubbesing. 'It's an unfortunate situation.' He said when Hinton arrived from DEC: 'I was told a guy is coming to your office, fit him in, but he can't do this and can't do that. It was pretty apparent from Day 1 that they didn't want him to do anything.'"

Now tell me that its more efficient for the government to take care of things like insurance. You'd think they would fire him first and then he'd sue. Bold guy.

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