Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Twisted Protests

I shiver as I read that global leaders will have sealed their financial plans within HOURS from the publication of this article, via the UK Guardian

It's sad that people don't realize that abolishing capitalism and free markets IS NOT the way to accomplish their goals of rights for "the people," for which they claim to march. They are so reflexively anti-business and anti-banker that they can't understand how stupid it is to want power to be transferred to the governement.

And how disrepectful it is to damage property?
Maybe I'm a wimpy liberty activist, but unless there's actually an organized attack to prove a concise (and sensical) point, violent behavior to people & objects is damn stupid. It won't have accomplished anything except as an outlet for these kids to make themselves martyrs when they are jailed.

And "Abolish Money?" (from the video in the Guardian article) what medium do you propose we trade? Love and sparkly government fairy dust? Don't ask the WORLD government to be your mommy, that's just what they want. Foolish.

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